If you are confused about what type of landscape/design you want then this article for you. We are going to talk about the different types of landscape and designs to help you choose which one is ideal for you. Let’s start!
Formal Landscape
A formal landscape has clear structure, geometric shapes, and a symmetrical layout. It is not one that allows natural layout of the plants, but is neatly trimmed and tidy.
Some examples of this can be found in communities where there are Homeowners Associations (HOA). Many of their rules enforce residence to use a lot of the same plants for a more formal look for the whole subdivision.
Some plants that may be used for a formal landscape in Florida could include:
- Ligustrum standard
- Dwarf yaupon holly
- Orange bird of paradise
- Podocarpus
- Burgundy loropetalum
- Gardenia
Picture of an informal landscape could look like this:

Informal Landscape
Allows the plant to follow its natural shape, with some trimming, however with much looser lines and curves. May look a little over grown, but looks more natural.
A few plants you may see in an informal landscape are:
- Plumbagos
- Crotons
- Dracaenas
- Hibiscus
Picture of an informal landscape could look like this:

Butterfly Garden
Select a sunny spot, preferably with some hours of shade. This provides some protection from extreme temperatures. Provide host plants for butterflies as well as nectar plants.
A water source with a fountain allows for easy access for drinking and to help reduce temperatures. Butterflies are warm blooded creatures and will mostly be seen during spring/summer.
A few ideas of plants for your garden are:
- Milkweed
- Passion vine
- Penta’s, coreopsis
- Coneflowers
- Firebush
An example of a butterfly garden could look like this:

Vegetable/Herb Garden
Florida’s growing season is very different than the rest of the country.
Click here to see a guide of what to plant when. https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/plant-of-the-month/what-to-plant/text-what-to-plant-by-month.html
Picture of a raised bed vegetable garden:

We hope that you learned something new with our Types of Landscapes/Gardens article. We at Tending To His Garden would like to thank you for the time in reading our article and we would like to invite you to regularly check our blog for relevant South Florida landscape design information. If by any chance, you’re having problems with garden pests then visit our article on it.